Bootlegs → BBC Maida Vale Studios, London, UK – 15th May 2006


Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4

Artist: Massive Attack
Location: BBC Maida Vale Studios, London, UK
Date: 15th May 2006

Source: 1. CD Rip (Taper: Richard)
2. FM Recording (Taper: leex100)

Lineage: 1. Promo CD-R -> Windows Media Player -> WAV -> Trader’s Little Helper -> FLAC (Level 8‌)
2. FM Tuner -> CoolEdit -> FLAC (Level 4)

Notes: This 7 track session was recorded for the Dermot O’Leary Show on BBC Radio 2, as part of promoting the new Best Of album “Collected”. It was recorded on May 15th, but was not broadcast until the 27th that same month. Together with the interview segment, the radio show only broadcast the first 4 tracks that were recorded that day, with Future Proof, Black Melt and Safe From Harm never been broadcast or heard of outside the Maida Vale studio. A previous bootleg of this show only contained the first 4 tracks until now… The primary source for this recording is from an official (and very rare!) CD-R promo produced by Virgin Records, which fills in the gap of the 3 missing tracks recorded in Maida Vale studios that day. It is also an upgrade in quality from the previous bootleg as it is ripped directly from a CD source and not an FM one as before. The only throwback from the previous bootleg is the interview segment.

Total Size: 319MB

Tracklist:* Source 2 (FM Recording)
01. Unfinished Sympathy – Duration: 04:59
02. Inertia Creeps – Duration: 05:26
03. Teardrop – Duration: 05:28
04. Live With Me – Duration: 04:50
05. (Interview With 3D) * – Duration: 11:06
06. Future Proof – Duration: 06:00
07. Black Melt – Duration: 05:46
08. Safe From Harm – Duration: 08:41