We have another year nearly over and done with and with that we begin seeing all those end of year lists and being overcome with temporary nostalgia. So in the spirit of all that, I’ve done my own little thing of collecting together all the happenings and goings-on with Massive Attack this year and placing it all into a timeline.
Whilst the release of the remastered Blue Lines was probably the most notable thing from Massive this year, there has also been a few other things going on this year, that this timeline might help jog your memory of.
I’ve presented the timeline in a cool JQuery embed, which you flick through like pages in a book. I’ve also made a separate timeline which covers everything Massive Attack related from 1998-2012 and has nearly 100 different events listed in it. You can find that here.
Anyway, back to 2012…
To finish off this post, I’ve also picked a few of my favourite Massive tweets from this year, some of my own and some from others, and embedded them below for you to check out.
And before you begin scanning down the rest of the post, I just want to thank everyone for visiting MA.IE this year and here’s to a Massive Attack tour in 2013. Fingers crossed.
For this post, I’m going to be offering up my own top 10 moments (with video evidence courtesy of YouTube!), of Massive Attack performing live from their birth as a live band in the mid-nineties, up until last year’s controversial Adam Curtis co-production.
I think if your on this site, reading this now, then Mr. Davidge doesn’t need much of an introduction – he’s been the man behind the curtain with regards to Massive Attack, for near enough two decades now, quietly getting things done in the studio co-writing and producing alongside D&G.; He’s been a integral part of the band in that time, not desiring any of the spotlight that usually comes with being in a world renowned outfit, such as Massive Attack, even though it looks like that’s finally about to change.
After nearly six months of waiting since its announcement, the event billed succinctly as “Massive Attack V Adam Curtis”, opened to an expectant crowd of roughly 2,000 at Manchester’s Mayfield Depot. The shroud of secrecy over this unusual pairing was finally lifted; so what would they have in store for us.