Viewing entries tagged
vinyl factory

Art Of Massive Attack Book Finally Released!

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Art Of Massive Attack Book Finally Released!

First announced in September 2013, the hardback edition of “3D and the Art of Massive Attack” finally hit bookshelves this week. Originally slated to come out in late October 2013, it has been delayed more than a few times in the interim. What was most frustrating about this was that there was hardly any information on the reasons for the delays or what the revised release date was. But anyway its here know and Vinyl Factory who are the publishers of this edition, have done a handsome job of putting it together with 3D.

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New Jean-Michel Jarre Collaboration + Hints Of Winter Tour Emerge


New Jean-Michel Jarre Collaboration + Hints Of Winter Tour Emerge

One of the pioneers of early electronic music Jean-Michel Jarre, has just announced a string of high profile collaborations destined for his new album due later this year. These musical collaborators range from the likes of M83, Tangerine Dream (didn’t know they were still together!) and of course, Massive Attack, who in this instance are 3D and Euan Dickinson. I guess Daddy G is being kept busy DJ-ing around Europe in recent months…


Battle Box 002 Released As 001 Gets A Reissue

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Battle Box 002 Released As 001 Gets A Reissue

Just when I started thinking that 3D’s Battle Box project had quietly been abandoned since it’s inaugural 12″ single last November, he’s just gone a spun the new track from it on us, in what promises to be an ongoing series of new material.

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Will You Be Buying The Art Of Massive Attack Book?

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Will You Be Buying The Art Of Massive Attack Book?

If your reading this, then there’s good chance you’ve heard the news that 3D is to release an art book (a visual companion, if you will) on the history of Massive Attack. I think it’s an exciting prospect for many fans, since he’s teased it quite often in interviews in the least few years, and to many fans (myself included), the band’s visual identity has made almost as big an impression as their music down through the years.

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Massive Attack Invites You To Battle Box In Bristol

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Massive Attack Invites You To Battle Box In Bristol

Announced a few hours ago courtesy of Massive’s Facebook, we now have “Battle Box” to look forward to. What is “Battle Box”? Well, it seems to read to me as nearly a “mini-Meltdown” festival that 3D is putting together, with the ultimate aim is to “reengage with Bristol”, using the avenues of music, art and politics, all within the rather unique environment of the Old Crown Court and adjoining abandoned prison cells.

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Favourite Massive Attack Single?


Favourite Massive Attack Single?

They say the physical single is dying out. I suppose in this iTunes era, were music can be consumed at the click of a button, that that is probably true. And that is even more truer for bands such as Massive Attack, who for a long time now, have been a self-proclaimed “albums” band.


Reviewing The Last 3 Heligoland E.P's


Reviewing The Last 3 Heligoland E.P’s

This is the first in a series of posts were I’ll be looking back at previous Massive Attack releases and giving my own opinion on them along with a rating out of 5. You know, like a real reviewer would. 😆 In terms of what I’ll be reviewing it could be anything from the albums, to singles, to obscure b-sides or remixes.
