We all like a good read now and again, so they say, so here’s some Massive Attack press clippings I’m just after scanning in and uploading into the media gallery.

What we have here are a nice selection, ranging from an old Neil Davidge interview uncovered from 1998, to Jonny Dollar’s obituary in the Independent from 2009. My favourite of the bunch is the Future Music one from 1994, one were Mushroom uncommonly does most of the talking. Oh, and if you look hard enough you’ll even find a certain baby photo in one of the scans. Not too sure how that got in there, but cute nonetheless.

For the future, I’ve got a few more bits and pieces still left over to scanned in, but I’ll leave that until over the summer.

Of course if you want even more archived press interviews with the Massive, just check out the reading area over at Red Lines. When I was just learning about Massive attack back in 2000, reading all the interviews on there really got me clued up on the band. I’m just copying Avalanche’s idea of scanning in any interviews I can find and doing my own text translations on the majority of them.

So anyway, here’s the newly added scans. Enjoy!

The Wire Magazine Interview

Future Music Magazine Interview

Dazed And Confused Interview

The Independent Newspaper Interview #1

Evening Standard Newspaper Feature

The Guardian Newspaper Interview

The Guardian Newspaper Review

The Independent Newspaper Feature

The Independent Newspaper Interview #2

Record Collector Magazine Interview
