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Massive Attack's Mezzanine Album 20 Years On


Massive Attack’s Mezzanine Album 20 Years On

Mezzanine will be 20 years old now this April. I don’t know about you but I definitely feel a bit older having typed that. Mezzanine was my gateway drug into not only Massive Attack but into alternative and electronic music in general. Bear in mind I was in my earlier teens at the time, but Mezzanine really shook me up the first few months I listened to it and changed my opinion of what music could be.


End Of Year News Update For 2017


End Of Year News Update For 2017

Another year nearly over and I’d thought I’d better write a quick blog post about what Massive Attack have been up to in 2017. Compared to 2016, this year has been relatively quiet, but we can only hope behind the scenes that its also been a good productive year for the band and that we can expect new music (and maybe, just maybe, a new album!) in 2018.


New Massive Attack Track And Forthcoming EP Previewed

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New Massive Attack Track And Forthcoming EP Previewed

While Massive Attack are busying themselves with touring around Europe this month, earlier today on BBC6 Music we got the first taste of what presumably is the next Massive Attack EP. When the Ritual Spirit EP came out last January we were promised at the time another EP (with Daddy G taking the reins from 3D), that would come out in the Summer. Well it looks like that promise has been delivered upon.

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My Top 10 Massive Attack Collectables


My Top 10 Massive Attack Collectables

In my time as a Massive Attack fan while loving their music of course, I’ve also been an avid collector of the band’s physical releases. CD’s vinyls, cassettes, promos etc… you name it, if its got the Massive Attack name on it I’ve probably either bought it or am still trying to find it! I’ve even dedicated a section of this site (Discography) to listing and detailing all of these said releases.


New Massive Attack EP Ritual Spirit Out Now


New Massive Attack EP Ritual Spirit Out Now

Massive Attack’s first (and hopefully not only) release of 2016, gets underway today with the release of a new 4 track EP entitled Ritual Spirit. The EP was mainly written and produced by 3D and Euan Dickinson. The press release for the EP also intriguingly states that there will be a second EP out shortly that is more Daddy G centric, and with that to be followed by a new album later this year.


Review, Setlist and Photos From The First Massive Attack Shows Of 2016 In Dublin


Review, Setlist and Photos From The First Massive Attack Shows Of 2016 In Dublin

So I will make this short and sweet. I had two amazing nights in Dublin for Massive Attack’s kickoff shows of 2016. It was a real privilege getting to hear the new material been premiered live for the first time ever. And the Olympia Theatre is probably the best venue let alone in Dublin, but also the best type of venue to see a band such as Massive Attack play.