Daddy G both narrates and provides original music for a new documentary called “Where Do You Draw The Line?”
Embedded at the top of this post is a new documentary entitled “Where Do You Draw The Line?” from WordSmith Productions who have generously uploaded the entire hour long documentary to Vimeo for free as of today.
The documentary explores the complex issues surrounding an indigenous community in the Ecuadorian Amazon fighting enforced oil extraction on their land. I’ve already watched it this evening and was quite impressed by the depth of research and the scope of the interviews undertaken for this film. Anyone who has an interest in environmental issues should give it a watch. Plus there’s some beautiful and lush scenery from the depths of the Amazon rainforest to check out.
What you may be asking has this got to do with Massive Attack? Well Daddy G apart from being a musician and DJ can now add documentary narrator to his CV as he has lent his deep and distinctive voice as the narrator of the documentary.
Daddy G also offers a brief introduction at the beginning of the film outlining his reasons for contributing to it. Here’s a quote from that down below:
“I watched the rough edit of the film and I was quite moved by it. And I became quite passionate about it. I thought this was a great story that needed to be told and wanted to be involved in it.”
Not only that but the background music of the film has also been composed by Daddy G with help from Stew Jackson of Bristol’s Robot Club. This marks the third time Daddy G and Stew have worked together. The first time on Heligoland’s Paradise Circus and secondly on this year’s The Spoils EP.
This is the first time Daddy G has done any scoring work for film on his own. All of Massive Attack’s previous soundtrack gigs were 3D only productions.
Any give the film a watch when you can and lets hope that the soundtrack sees the light of day in its release sometime.
Embedded at the top of this post is a new documentary entitled “Where Do You Draw The Line?” from WordSmith Productions who have generously uploaded the entire hour long documentary to Vimeo for free as of today.
Massive Attack’s debut album, Blue Lines came out in April 1991, so you’ll have to forgive me as I’m nearly 6 months behind on writing this post to mark its 25th anniversary.
While Massive Attack are busying themselves with touring around Europe this month, earlier today on BBC6 Music we got the first taste of what presumably is the next Massive Attack EP. When the Ritual Spirit EP came out last January we were promised at the time another EP (with Daddy G taking the reins from 3D), that would come out in the Summer. Well it looks like that promise has been delivered upon.